Sunday, February 22, 2009


สิ่งหนึ่งที่ผมชอบบน Python คือ PyCon เพราะว่าเป็นการทำให้เกิด Community และวันนี้ก็เห็นอันนี้พอดี

Google App Engine: How to survive in Google's Ecosystem (#53)

Mr. Jodok Batlogg bio
30min ◊◊ Intermediate
Saturday 01:50pm, Ballroom II
categories: case study, django, gae, web, web services

It all started in 2003 with Plone, continued in 2005 with Zope3 and right now the road seems to go to the Cloud, namely Google App Engine.

In this talk the experiences building a community portal based on Google App Engine will be presented. The main parts are: the App Engine Python SDK, Google's Bigtable, the Admin AJAX interface based on Google Web Toolkit / ext GWT, the delivery frontend using Django, Amazon Webservices handling large files and Content Delivery and of course as mentioned beforehand business aspects.

ต้องลองไปสักครั้ง ว่ามั๋ย

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