Monday, February 24, 2014

Amazing Android phone on Sony Xperia Z1

The Xperia Z1 has an aluminium and glass unibody design.

NOw I'm on the sky train. Try to make this post  with single hand operating.  I'm not sure what will happen if I use Xperia Z ultra. Buy believe I got this Z1 because some Japanese guy bring the Z ultra and reading Japanese comic. But two hand typing for me is faster.

When you have a look at the picture that taken from Z1. It's amazing Photo. another of camera function can help me, poor capture man can be a professional lens man. I don't. use AR at this time.

The size of the screen is better than 4" iPhone. If I compare.with many one surrounding me 80% use iPhone.

Usually when I was traveling I alway listen the music with my headphone from iPhone. But for Z1 with the headphone that include from the package it's bad experience with this item. The sound quality of the headphone is totally bad for me. Then I switch to use my old iPhone headphone. That is perfectly match. But unfortunately we cannot use volunm up and down button on headphone.

I also have a complementary bag when we bought Z1. It is a good bag.

After I have use Z1 for 1 week I definitely agree to buy new power bank. I bought 10000 mah from Sony. Because the free one from store that I bought is useless.

The power bank from Sony is another amazing equipment. I recommend you to buy if you are gamer or Internet man.

What are the next I want from Sony?
1. A better quality headphone and small talk is it is included in standard package.
2. In That we need the same model like in Japan.
3. Another entertainment included from Sony.

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